Friday, April 16, 2010


Last night I was just thinking about all the different codes that I either have used or use now on a daily basis. A code is a rule for converting a piece of information (for example, a letter, word, phrase, or gesture) into another form or representation (one sign into another sign), not necessarily of the same type. Technology forces us to use codes and for a lot of us we use them on our jobs.

Using codes whether it be for work or play can be efficient, useful and a fun way to have secret communication when necessary or just an inside joke. For example, if you ever go to Footlocker and you hear an employee walk to the back stockroom and tell another employee that he/she is going to "DEPARTMENT 13" that is code for the bathroom! Cool huh?! Well, at least I think so, there are so many other words, phrases, numbers, acronyms.... that we all use to covertly communicate something we don't want others to know or that is much more time consuming to communicate verbally, like when you hold your index finger and middle finger in the shape of a 'V' that is what we call a PEACE sign!

So anyway, I don't know if anyone else cares but I am going to list some of my favorite "codes" that I either use or have used in the past. Now that I work for IRS, some of those codes I will keep to myself so as to keep myself employed, tee hee! Here are mine, in no particular order, now show me yours!!!

  • FD- Factory Defect... Footlocker term

  • Heads up....literal meaning- watch the floor I'm going to the stockroom- Footlocker term

  • OMG.... oh my gosh- my new favorite phrase

  • LTMS.....Laughing to myself- cause how often are you REALLY laughing out loud??

  • True Dupe....a duplicate return, but its what I call my derriere!

  • Jacob & Carter.... the fictitious boys I created when my nephews were acting up during Christmas. I told them I would give their toys to "Jacob & Carter" instead of Jalen & Cameron! It still works with the little one when he acts up, but the older one knows they are not real boys.

  • WOT... waste of time(can be used in front of customer) when a customer comes in and makes u bring out all the shoes/clothes/jewelry... the store and they buy nothing, or their card declines- Footlocker, Limited, Tiffany's

  • Lady doctor- The doctor for ladies.....Gynecologist...

  • 9. G is L- God is love...a former coworker used to say it to a friend of mine because he laughs so obnoxiously loud next to her that when he apologized for it, that was her response! Lol, I mean, LTMS....

    10. "Let me direct you to customer service"- I have doubts about the authenticity of your jewelry.... Tiffany & Co.- Yes I have seen 'em, those Tiffany impostors!

    1 comment:

    funnybone79 said...

    I love how the publisher had a mind of its own and switched the numbers to bullets.....oh well.