One of the guys I gave water to.
This is the actual trashcan
You might say what does R.O.L.L. mean? Well once again I've been a giving bandit. I was photographing in Centennial Park one day and I was about to leave with my client when I witnessed something that I don't think I have ever seen or if I have, it never sunk in. Well as we were walking a man walked up to a trash can, and you know when your'e talking and walking you're not always completely paying attention, well I saw him drink out of a coke bottle and throw it back in the trash can. Now I don't remember him having a bottle in his hands, that means he drank out of someone elses coke bottle. Wow. Then he found a sandwich and ate that too. Wow. I asked my client/friend if he really just ate right out of the trashcan. She was like yeah, and that just broke my heart. I have never seen someone eat a meal out of the trashcan from start to finish. You know the Holy spirit would not let me go until I did something about it.
Well I told her that I have to get him something because when we walked up closer to him, he was sweating really bad and it wasn't hot that day. I walked over to him and asked him what he wanted from the store and he said "can you get me McDonalds?" Now I was nowhere near a MCD's, so I was like naw but I can get you something to drink and snacks from the store. He was like can I some chips and water. Now if you live in the 'A' you know the homeless folks just want money 90% of the time. This guy was hungry and thirsty, thats it. He could have asked for money, but he didn't. This is how I knew he wasn't trying to get over. I ended up getting four bottles of water and four bags of chips because there were other homeless people where he was and I didn't feel right just giving him something and not them. Well I got back and it was funny because two of the people there were like, "somebody said there was some free drinks." now he saw me ask the guy what he wanted, I don't recall saying that, but that was my intention anyway. I gave him and the girl he was with a bottle of water, and another guy sitting there one. I found the original guy and gave him the water and chips.
God tested me in this situation because I had just gotten that money from my client and there was a slpit second where I actually could have kept going and did nothing. God is so good!!! He will test you to see if you will be faithful to him when he asks you to do something, and to see what you will do with what he gives you. Business is growing yall and God's favor is upon me. I encourage you to give beyond what's comfortable, have compassion when it not easy to, and...R.O.L.L.... Reach Out with Love for the Least.
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