Well it's me! That's right I had the jheri curl, probably a carefree curl at the time. So what, I felt like the black Shirley Temple. Anyway, I had an awesome day at work. We took our lunch break and had a good old fashion talent show. Well most of you know I'm an actor with lots of slashes (dancer/singer/...you get it...).
So my group did a "Gangsta Grizzill" remix of R&B classics with dancing, imitations, and a few throwbacks. It was so funny. It started out Tammy Terrell and Marvin Gaye, "You're all I need to get by" for the old heads, then the Mary J and Method Man version, then "real love" by Mary J. Hmmm a bit of six degrees huh? Then we went to Black Sheep's famous engine engine number 9...you finish the lyrics from "This or That" cause I know you know it. Next, we took it to the Fat Man Scoop remix of Faiths' "I never knew there was a love like this before" complete with the shout out to independent women and zodiac signs and all. You woulda thought you were at the original Club Esso from back in the day.
Finally, guess what we ended with?? What song is the feel good, no matter what age you are, family reunion anthem???? You guessed it, Frankie, Beverly and Maze " Before I let go!!!" I felt like I was at Phillips arena doing a concert it was so live!! Then I performed a poetic piece and even acted out scenes from movies for my coworkers to guess. I was in my element ya'll and I don't want to stop performing. My coworkers called me a triple threat and deep down I know I am, but this career is such a grind it can be challenging to keep those blinders on.
Later, I was at home enjoying some me time, thinking about where I want my career to go and wondering when will my star rise. Then I was reminded of how much I loved to perform as a little girl and I was inspired to right a poem for "her." My 3 year old self has always loved attention and performing, and sincerely wants to be a star. This is the poem I wrote to me/her to keep me motivated to keep "her" dream alive.
This Little Girl
This Little girl has a dream
To be the most talented performer the world's ever seen.
She loves to sing, act, write, and dance
All she wants is to be given a chance
To spread her wings and let her gift fly
Beyond the clouds of doubt, fear, and lies.
This little girl deserves to see her fantasies come to fruition
No more pretending, no more imaginations.
This little girl embodies creativity to no end,
With a beauty and spirit God has anointed.
Witty, charismatic, effervescent, and full of joy,
This little girl is about to make some noise.
No longer standing in the background, catching vapors of other's fulfilled dreams,
She's walking in the limelight of her own Hollywood scene.
The very one in which she was born to play,
This little girl Kaiesha lives success with every breath she takes.